Friday 25 January 2008

Leek and Potatoe Soup (with garlic bread)

This has become a favourite in our household. A typical Sabbath evening meal. I have the potatoes and Carrots already cooked in the crock pot so it is easy to make.

Prep time: 10 min
Cooking time: 15 min

1 Large Onion
2 Med Leeks
4 Med Potatoes (peeled and cooked and chopped)
3 Carrots (peeled and cooked and sliced)
2 Chicken Cubes*
1 tsp Minced Garlic
2 TBLS Oil
Hot Boiling Water
Sour Cream
4 Ltr pan

Boil water in your kettle. Chop onions somewhat small. Brown in the oil add garlic, add sliced leeks (slice just till the green starts) Cook till onions are just starting to get soft. Add a little of the hot boiling water, add the 2 chicken cubes*. Mixed to desolved. Cook about 5 minutes. Add the potatoes, Then add the carrots. Add some of the boiling hot water till it comes to about 3.5 ltrs mark. Cook 10 minutes. Then take your electric wisk and puree contents. Put in bowls add a sm tsp of sour cream to the middle of each, garnish with parsley and serve.

I then serve it with fresh made garlic bread:

1 Loaf of wholemeal bread (uncut)
Butter or Marg
Garlic shake**

Slice the loaf of bread down the middle the long ways. Then make little slices the short way. Put butter on and Garlic shake** lay on a baking sheet one half together and the other half together. put into oven at 160c (320f) for about 15-20 minutes and wala you have yummy lovely garlic bread.

*cubes are natural no msg.
**consist of dried garlic, parsley and onion

Thursday 24 January 2008

Lets try to...

Lets try to get one recipe a piece up here every week. That way we can build it up faster. I know I will be better at it also. :) It doesnt have to be anything fancy just a simple recipe you have found your family to like.

Monday 14 January 2008

Moline Specials

~Place two eggs in a bowl and whip
~Add a bit of water and any other seasonings you desire
~Fry in pan like an omelet
~Butter two slices of bread
~Place eggs in the bread, if desired add ketchup

Enjoy! A less healthful way to make it would be in the microwave. Whip two eggs in a bow and zap it for a minute.

I am not sure anyone can make this like Bapa, but you can sure give it a try!

A Cup of Tea

1. Place Tea bag in empty cup.
2. Pour water into electric tea kettle.
3. Push button on electric kettle.
4. When water is hot pour into cup with tea bag in it.
5. Stir in sweetner or creamer as desire (this step is optional and in no way required).
6. Drink tea from cup.

There are some tricky parts to this process. However, with a little patience and some practice this art is readily mastered. If at first you do not succeed, just keep trying. You will eventually get it.

7 Up Jello or GGjo's Jello

This is a favourite of everyones on my side of the family. My Grandma has made this for every get together we have had for as long as I can remember.

1 sm pkg of lime jello (jelly)
1 16 oz of apple sauce
1 8 oz of ginger ale (or 7 up)
cool whip (double cream whipped)

Heat the applesauce up in a pan till it is just bubbling.
Add the lime jello mix till desolved.
Take off heat and let cool slightly.
Add the ginger ale.
Put in a pretty dish and put it in the fridge till set.
Let sit over night as the harder it sets the better it is.
Top with the cool whip.